Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Co-worker from hell

I think just about everyone either works with or has worked with someone who makes your life a living hell. I'm fortunate in that I only have to work with this person four days out of the month. He has been the bane of my existence since he started. Back in March I was having a bad day and refused to do something he wanted me to do. He had stated that he didn't think it was fair that one person did that particular job all the time. I had done it the day before and now he was telling, not asking, telling me to do it again. I refused, he wrote me up.
For me this was the last straw. I'm been a victim of verbal/emotional abuse most of my life and I had finally had it with this one person making me feel like shit. Added to that he lied on my yearly review which would have cost me my raise, except the company decided that no one would get a raise. I filed an official complaint and the real hell started.

I think I understand now why some victims of abuse fail to report it or if they do fail to follow through. I was made to feel like I was the one in the wrong. I was accused of working not working independently, of working too independently, of not being a team player and of being too much of a team player, all at the same time. I'm good at my job but I fail to see how I could be so many contradictory things. Added to this I was told that not only was thing being said by the person I had a problem with it was also being said by one of my superiors from the rest of the days. There are two people who are superior to me that I work with the bulk of the time. I'm comfortable enough with them that I went to one and asked if she had said negative things about me. She said she hadn't and neither had the other person. While I can't prove it, I know that someone stabbed me in the back.

The night before a big meeting with me, the one I accused, the head of my department and the head of personal, when I'm trying to stay positive she tried to knock me down. She was making comments about how they were right and I was guilty of what I was accused of. This is a person who has already quit her job and is leaving in less than two weeks for a new job. Although I have no solid proof, I know with every molecule of my being that she stabbed me in the back. If the two I work with the most had both backed me up, I think it would have gone differently.

I did agree that I would not discuss what went on in the final meeting and I will not. What I will say is we all agreed to be nice and try to work civilly with each other. I have a feeling that the one I accused feels he one. For my part I don't think there is a winner. I don't know that the situation will change. I will do what I have to do and try not to stress. As to the one who caused the problem, for as long as he works at this place there will be a letter in his file that says he lied and abused a co-worker.

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